Stunning Daylilies For Sale!
Greetings gardeners and landscapers,
Fire Tree
After a half-century love affair with daylilies (the early years breeding them), I am now finding myself in need of some housecleaning. I would like to offer some really good deals to those with a bit of ambition under their belts.
Red Rum
I have considerable stock of the small-flowered gold Stella D’Oro (repeat bloomer) that seems to have taken the commercial world by storm. I have extra-large clumps available bare root for $10.00 each. These could easily be divided into 10-20 divisions for those so inclined. I offer them cut them back (leaving scapes of any plants that are still budded or blooming), labeling them, and boxing plants with straw or pine needles to keep roots moist. Customers can pick orders up at our store at an agreed time. I do not wish to pot any of my daylilies, as not only are they very tough, resilient and not in need of babying, but also because I do not want further plastic in the landfills.
Also available at $15.00 each are 3 year-old clumps of “Fire Tree” (a clear, scarlet hybrid from my mentor Don Stevens). This cultivar sports strong 20’’scapes above bright emerald foliage. It is eye-catching! “Red Rum” is also available in 3 year-old clumps for the same price. It has a bit more of a rusty-brick appearance, has excellent branching, and is very lovely. Both of these varieties are officially registered with the American Daylily Society (also known as the Hemerocallis Society).
I do not wish to get too far ahead of myself, but I have many other colors available. One of my own crosses is a flouncy pink with a gold throat and cream midribs. It stands a good 28” tall with excellent branching. I also have lots of gold, yellow, amber and lemon selfs (all one color). I can offer pink and rose-colored divisions with deep burgundy eyes, still at very reasonable prices. I do have named registered cultivars also available (prices vary and quantities may be limited), but I will provide healthy, large single to triple fans.
Judy’s Own Flouncy Pink Daylily
Example of a Pink with a Dark Eye
So send me an email at with your order or with any questions, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Please place your orders via email from July 17th, 2021 through September 30th, 2021.
Thank you and happy gardening,
Judy Ratta-Harrington
Red Rum and Fire Tree
Rose Pinks with Dark Eyes