
Time to Order Bareroot Plants!

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Please note that payment is required to confirm orders and that supplies are limited!

We are offering:

  • Strawberries & Blackberries

  • Asparagus

  • Rhubarb

  • Onions, Leeks, & Shallots

  • Sweet Potato Slips

Ornamental and vegetable seeds

Growing and harvesting plants from seed is so affordable - and rewarding! We can recommend the correct timing and planting techniques for success with all types of plants in our relatively short southern New Hampshire growing season. Ask us about starting seeds indoors in early spring for transplanting in the garden after the last threat of frost.

We also carry grass seed and clover! Check out our Lawn page.

Flower, Garlic & Shallots

We carry a selection of beautiful tulips and other fall flower bulbs that are of the highest quality, and will truly make your garden a spring-time paradise. We also carry our famous amaryllis (large and jumbos—not what you find in the box stores!), as well as paperwhite bulbs in the late Fall/early Winter.

What about garlic and shallots, you say? Not to fear! We carry Fall hardneck garlic and shallots. These are an absolute-must in our garden, and are far tastier than some of the Spring-time garlic bulbs.

Questions about planting bulbs? Click here for our guide to planting bulbs! New to gardening? Ask us how!

Bareroot Plants & Tubers

In the late Winter/early Spring, we take special orders for our bareroot plants. What are bareroot plants? They are live plant material that are to be planted in early Spring. We carry onions (Walla Walla, Patterson, Redwing, etc.), as well as strawberries, asparagus, and more. We take these special orders in February and March, and the plants arrive in early April—these bareroots need to be planted ASAP once they arrive! Questions? We are happy to help!

Also in the Spring-time, we carry seed potatoes and onion sets—and boy are they good! Potatoes can be planted in late April through early July. We carry a number of varieties every years, check in with us to see what we’ve got in stock!

New to growing? Got a pressing question? Mysterious pests and diseases? Asks us! We’re here to help.

For seed packs, we carry Hart’s, Highmowing (organic), and Renee’s.

For seed packs, we carry Hart’s, Highmowing (organic), and Renee’s.

Make your yard simply elegant with vibrant tulips, crocus, and hyacinths.

One of our Walla Walla onions (considered the sweet northern Vidalia onion)—these guys can get enormous! We also carry a storage onion (the Copra), and a Long Day sampler.

One of our Walla Walla onions (considered the sweet northern Vidalia onion)—these guys can get enormous!

Our very own potatoes! Nothing can beat the taste. We carry classic varieties and the more unusual Adirondack Blue and Adirondack Red!

Our very own potatoes! Nothing can beat the taste. We carry classic varieties and the more unusual Adirondack Blue and Adirondack Red!


Step-By-Step Growing Guides

Shop our seed supplies in store:

  • flower, herb & vegetable seed packets

  • biodegradable peat pots & reusable trays

  • heating mats & lightening systems

  • organic potting mix

Shop our bulb supplies in store:

  • hand trowels

  • bulb planters

  • bulb food