Mosquitoes, Ugh! Read On!
Summer keeps rolling along. How can it be mid-July already? If you’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors as we have, you most likely have been plagued by mosquitoes. With all the rain of late, these buggers have proliferated exponentially.
The reason I bring this up now is because reports have recently surfaced confirming the presence of West Nile Virus in sample batches of mosquitoes. Though this virus and EEE are serious threats to human health, the primary targets of these mosquitoes is birds. We humans are “accidental victims.” This fact should not diminish the need to be vigilant in protecting ourselves now and all the way through until we receive a couple of good frosts.
We often overlook what else we can do to help curtail these pests. Culex pipiens, one of several species of mosquitoes that are small-in-size and numerous in count, breeds in small pockets of water—a discarded soda can, childrens’ outdoor toys, tires, a plugged gutter, etc.
Be aware of any standing water—female mosquitoes lay their eggs here.
The message here is to be aware of any standing water. Make sure birdbaths are regularly refreshed. Use Mosquito Dunks in reflecting pools or small backyard ponds, or use Mosquito Free Water—a surface tension eliminator. Female mosquitoes attempting to lay eggs on the surface simply sink and drown. What a nice thought!
That’s all for now,
Judy Ratta-Harrington
A natural and organic way to eliminate mosquitoes
A natural surface tension eliminator!