Thinking Spring in February
Greetings gardeners,
All it takes is a day like this past Tuesday with that bright sun and warmth, and we begin to get that spring fever twinge, right? I was out bright and early raking and cleaning up debris. It was frost -free and dry enough in the daylily bed along the south side of our house to fork out some perennial weeds. It felt so good to shed the jacket and dig in! Up here on the Knoll we lose snow quickly, and often I can transplant in February. That may not be the case for a while yet this year, but that didn't stop me from hauling all the houseplants outside for their Tuesday special sunbath-for-a-day! It was just that beautiful.
My happy houseplants out for their sunbath!
Cleaning up debris and weeding garden beds during thaws will make your spring-time clean-up easier and happier.
Besides getting an edge on clean-up whenever nature allows, it's a great time to purchase garden seeds while the selection is at its best. Click here for our plant order form! Want more information on our varieties? Click here for a description list. This season we will also offer 4 varieties of pelleted seeds from Johnny's. These include 3 different lettuces and 1 carrot. Pelletizing makes seed sowing so much easier when seeds are so small. Remember, though, that it's early to start most seeds. But gathering all your seed starting needs is a must. We proudly offer 3 lines of garden seeds, seed starting mixes, trays, inserts, peat pots, light systems, and more.
It's now time to order bare root plants ( strawberries, blackberries, asparagus, Walla Walla onions and more) that will arrive in early April. Plants are ready at that point for planting immediately. We will also have sweet potato slips available at the end of May. Supplies of all bare root plants are limited to what we ordered from our suppliers last December and are sold a pre-paid basis. We are sticklers for bringing in high quality plant material you won't find everywhere. We want you to thoroughly enjoy growing and harvesting these awesome crops. That starts with picking them up and planting as soon as they come in. Hurry in to place your order now so you won't miss out!
That's it for now.
Judy Ratta-Harrington