Spring Planting Tips
Spring onions
Looks like another April Fool's prank by Mother Nature! Rest assured the snow will melt very quickly, as the sun is stronger, and the days much longer. Soil will dry quickly once snow is gone, and then it's time to get busy.
To those of you who have ordered onion plants, I unsuccessfully tried to postpone shipment due to weather. They will be arriving most likely by the end of the first week in April. We will be calling you for pick up and advise refrigeration until ground is workable. Keep them in a plastic bag with some ventilation holes and tuck the in your veggie drawer. It is better that they remain on the dry side rather than wet.They will keep for 2-3 weeks this way.
Usually we directly sow pea seeds into the garden on St. Patrick's Day. However, that didn't happen this year. We have some started inside in cell packs right now. I put them outside against the south side of our house when it's sunny and above 35 degrees and bring them in at night. We'll plunk them in as soon as snow disappears and then sow direct again into the garden.
Once ground is workable, get your other cold weather loving plants into the garden. These already-started plants include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. It will be time to direct seed lettuce, beets and carrots, too. Of course, we have everything you need to get that garden prepped.
On a different note, we have a new shipment of our magical cedar wood postcards. These "impressionistic" prints have been wildly popular. Two stamps send them off'. Lots of nature note cards are in stock, also. Let's keep the art of hand writing in vogue!
Judy Ratta-Harrington