Spring is Coming!
Signs of spring
Even though the snow is deep, the days are so much longer now. Many of us are beyond the seed catalogs and are itchy to "dig into" starting those seeds indoors. And we are coming into just the right time to start some of them.
If you need advice on how and when to start, please join us for a seed starting seminar at our store on February 25th at 10 am. We will address such issues as heat, humidity and light needs, seed starting medium, container choices, when to start certain varieties, and more. We will be offering special pricing on many seed starting items- but only for that one day! So mark your calendar.
Forms are now available at our store for special ordering of baby chicks as well as for bareroot plants. Both are sold on a pre-paid basis. We pool our orders to offer you the best prices we can.
It's also time to shovel out to those bird houses in your yard. Nest boxes need to be cleaned out and made ready for birds seeking nesting sites. Competition is great for these accommodations, and surely you will be rewarded. Bluebirds are already getting testy. Last Tuesday they were checking out our most popular box which had 10 inches of snow on top!
Keep bird feeders full this time of year, as food in the wild is very scarce, especially when there is this much snow. Providing water is extremely beneficial to our feathered friends. It takes extra energy when birds eat snow for hydration and metabolic needs. As we know, it takes tremendous energy for all birds just to survive in this weather.
Enjoy winter now- spring is just around the corner!