Managing pests inside your home. . .

Much to our chagrin, there is bound to be some sort of pest (most likely multiple pests) inside your home every day of the year. Have you seen grain moths around foodstuffs in kitchen cabinets? How about flies, mosquitoes, fleas, ants, and possibly bedbugs that have hitched a ride on your luggage? There may be insects lurking in your houseplants- and maybe some unseen disease there too. Perhaps you’ve heard some scratching in the walls. Oh, those crafty mice! What do you do if a bat mistakenly flies down your chimney, a chipmunk sneaks under the garage door that wasn’t shut all the way, or the squirrel that sets up housekeeping in the attic? I know what your thinking- lions and tigers and bears are next! Not to panic; this is par for the course as we humans deal with the natural world around us.

We do our best to resolve most situations, because we face the same challenges. If at all possible, we always recommend a physical agent as the first line of defense. There are sticky traps that include pheromone attractants, suffocants (insecticidal soaps), repellents, diatomaceous earth, live traps, and snap traps, and that miracle invention- the fly swatter! Ok, we must include the vacuum cleaner, too. When things get bad enough, though, we offer conventional means of control such as insect bombs, sprays, and baits.